11月15日(火)より順次全国のドラッグストアをはじめとする小売店にて「スーツカラーマスク」を7枚入、希望小売価格480円(税込528円)にて発売いたします。 同社はスーツの男性に特化したマスクで、働く男性をもっとカッコ良く見せたいという想いから同商品を開発しました。 より詳しい情報は以下...
Read moreBelviso/Makuake store販売開始
先日よりクラウドファンディングサイト Makuake にて応援を頂きましたメンズ専用メイクブラシキットについて、 ついにクラウドファンディングを終えてたくさんのご支持を頂き正式に発売になりました。 https://www.makuake.com/project/himawari-beau...
Read moreThe last day of the exhibition today
Today is the final day of the "Medical and Long-term Care Exhibition [Osaka]". The weather is also very good. It will be closed at 5 pm, so If you...
Read moreWe are exhibiting at the exhibition from today
We had been setting up the booth with our employees until yesterday. A view of our booth We are looking forward to seeing you at our booth. W...
Read moreExhibiting "Medical and Nursing Care Exhibition [Osaka]" at INTEX Osaka from 2/24 (Thursday) to 2/26 (Saturday) tomorrow
Our booth number: 1-20Exhibited products: We have a large number of masks, vinyl gloves, waterproof sheets, and other nursing care and hygiene pro...
Read moreThe official website has been renewed.
We have renewed our website. The old homepage URL https://himawari-beauty.co.jp will be forwarded to here in the future. Thank you for your continu...
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